Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Workshop with our UBC EDCP 551 class (Math, Language, the Body & the Arts) in the UBC Orchard Garden March 12

We held our graduate class in the UBC Orchard Garden teaching and learning garden and experimented with aspects of mathematical thinking with labyrinth design:
  • We tried out different 'seeds' for classical labyrinths, experimenting with keeping some things invariant and varying others, and predicting the resulting labyrinths.
  • We tried creating asymmetrical seeds, with even or odd numbers of attachment points; joining attachment points more and less symmetrically; trying to create new star-shaped seeds, and more.
  • We tried out our first set of striped tiles to create a Roman meander-type labyrinth, with interesting results! (The edges were tricky and might need some triangles...) 
  • We accomplished the exciting Gardner's Double Appleton Labyrinth Dance on our sidewalk chalk labyrinth. (Follow link to video)

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